"Gomorrah, Gomorrah..."
I've just finished reading Dan Savage's 'Skipping Towards Gomorrah'.

If you don't know, Dan writes a weekly column called 'Savage Love' in the US - a bit like Sex in the City, but from a gay man. 'Skipping Towards Gomorrah' is Dan going around the States trying to commit each of the 7 deadly sins and talk to those everyday Americans that do as well.

Anyone else read this? It's excellent observational stuff. Funny, but very intelligent too.

Anyway, it really started me thinking and I found myself comparing his views to society here in the UK and even comparing it with what happens on some of the chat Boards I participate in.

Although I love the fact that we can freely express our own views, it frustrates me that people can still sometimes be so intolerant. Often people seem to have made up their minds on so much stuff and, apart from being very vocal about how other people's viewpoints are wrong, find it very hard to accept that there's a hell of a lot of difference out there in the world and all we have to do to make this a better place is realise and accept that fact  and just live and let live.

So I thought it would be kinda interesting to adapt Dan's thoughts for the UK and see what happens.

So, in the true spirit of plagiarism (sorry Dan) - Welcome to:  


Over the next few pages or so, I'm going to take each of the Seven Deadly Sins that will supposedly lead us to Damnation, open up my thoughts on them and see where it leads us - should be fun.

It's be really cool if any of you reading these posted back some thoughts of your own on these  so if you do have any  email me here and I'll add them!!

Each chapter will cover each of the sins, namely:

Avarice (or Greed)
Anger (or Wrath)

Just click on each of the links below to see.

OK, before we hit the 7 Deadly Sins, click on Intro to read about where I'm coming from in all of this.


If you've got any thoughts or comments about all this or if you just wanna ask me something, drop me a note and I'll come back to you.
"... I luv ya Gomorrah."
- an irreverant look at the 7 Deadly Sins